Cookie policy

All websites are required by EU law to ask visitors to accept cookies (or refuse them) from their site.  Many sites - including PHCC’s does not use cookies for any other reason than to ensure that the site works properly and as intended. You should not therefore be alarmed at this site asking for your approval before continuing.

PHCC does not share any information about its website visitors with any other party and does not store information about visitors to the site.

The Cookie Law started as an EU Directive that was adopted by all EU countries in May 2011. The Directive gave individuals rights to refuse the use of cookies that reduce their online privacy. Each country then updated its own laws to comply. In the UK this meant an update to the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations.

The Cookie Law is a piece of privacy legislation that requires websites to get consent from visitors to store or retrieve any information on a computer, smart-phone or tablet.